Day 2: Farmer's Market at Kapi'olani Community College-- tons of fresh, local fruits and flowers. I had a Hawaiian ginger/lemon/basil bubbly drink. Then, beach-hopping with Alex! The timing worked out just right so that he has a ton of time to spend doing tourist-ey, sightseeing-ey things with me.
Random thing that blows my mind every time I see it-- the birds here WALK. Yeah, it's Hawaii, everyone knows it's chill and laid back and no one really seems in a rush... including birds on the freeway who saunter away from cars threatening to squish them. They run fast, but it's still weird to me that they don't just fly.
Myspace pic on my walk back from the
farmer's market. Note pretty flower. |
Pink plumeria-- maybe my new favorite flower?
Desert trip and Hawaii have given me a new appreciation
for flora of all sorts. Pretty and unique, even if inedible. |
Look at the COLORS! |
Wind inflates me. Yes, I live in jerseys. |
A rocky but beautiful death awaits. |
Waimanalo Beach. Waves are fun! |
I have legs. |
And feet! |
Weiners on Kalama Beach. So adorable! |
Weiner family. Note the naked little girl. Oh, hipsters. |
Likely going out tonight with some of Alex's friends. Hooray weekend! Then perhaps an outdoorsy adventure day tomorrow-- hiking, surfing, snorkeling, etc. Pearl Harbor/USS Arizona Memorial to come in the next few days too.
Oh, and regarding the name of this post, I felt extremely liberated yet local, eating chicken katsu from L&L in my swimsuit, in a civilized area. Hawaii relaxation win.
For those without facebook:
Chicken Katsu + Coconut Creme Frapp
+ swimsuit = Hawaiian fat kid heaven. |
Yo LICIOUS so I've got some family in Beijing and Dan really wants to go climb the great wall. Do you want to come, too? Or should I schedule this for before you come? LET ME KNOW. So i can warn the relatives (who will probs help me find hotel)